Neil Hanvey, 36-year chart and huge fan of the saga Star Wars , discovered last April to be ill with terminal cancer and has only 8 months old. A brief expectation that would prevent him from watching the film the highly anticipated spin-off Rogue One . To fulfill the wish of her beloved husband, his wife Andrea and a nurse named Amy Duncan have moved all the people of social media by launching a viral campaga with the hashtag #RogueOneWish , getting everyone's attention. Among those who have responded there was also Luke Skywalker himself, Mark Hamill , who promptly retweeted the message to his millions of fans. Today, unfortunately, Andrea announced the death of Neil, took place on Monday, but thanked the director Gareth Edwards and all those who have the last wish of her husband made possible.
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Neil, in fact, was able to see a preview of Rogue One on Saturday, two days before turning off. Rogue One: a Star Wars fan has fulfilled his last wish This laudable initiative has brought to mind similar episodes as when, last year, JJ Abrams created the desire of little Daniel to see The Force Awakens preview or when Zack Snyder helped Barry Henrderson to see Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice .